DarkTree Snowflake Version: 2.00 Modified: 05/15/2003 Author: Skyler Swanson // This darktree generates a snowflake. To use this, place it on a // plane and enable the alpha channel to clip it out. Pref_Map: Planar Rep_Frame: 1 Type: Shaded Source: SHADER Aspect_Width: 10 Aspect_Height: 10 Scale: 1 Unit_Scale: Inches Heading: 0 Pitch: 0 { Deform 1 : Mirrored_Sections Percent { DarkData: 3, 0, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 1, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 1, 0 Common: Number_Of_Mirrors : 6 Percent: Background : Link_To 8 | Percent } Gradient 2 : Mask_Gradient Color { DarkData: 1, -1, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 1, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 1, 0 Common: Number_Of_Shells : 4 Enable_Clamps : TRUE Blend_Function : 0 Shell_Position_1 : 0 Shell_Position_2 : 0.3 Shell_Position_3 : 0.6 Shell_Position_4 : 1 Shell_Position_5 : 1 Mask : Link_To 5 | Percent Color: Shell_Value_1 : 0, 0, 0 Shell_Value_2 : 0, 0, 0 Shell_Value_3 : 255, 255, 255 Shell_Value_4 : 255, 255, 255 Shell_Value_5 : 0, 0, 255 } Gradient 3 : Mask_Gradient Percent { DarkData: 1, 0, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 1, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 1, 0 Common: Number_Of_Shells : 4 Enable_Clamps : TRUE Blend_Function : 0 Shell_Position_1 : 0 Shell_Position_2 : 0.3 Shell_Position_3 : 0.6 Shell_Position_4 : 1 Shell_Position_5 : 1 Mask : Link_To 5 | Percent Percent: Shell_Value_1 : 0 Shell_Value_2 : 0 Shell_Value_3 : 1 Shell_Value_4 : 1 Shell_Value_5 : 1 } Gradient 4 : Mask_Gradient Bump { DarkData: 1, 1, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 1, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 1, 0 Common: Number_Of_Shells : 4 Enable_Clamps : TRUE Blend_Function : 0 Shell_Position_1 : 0 Shell_Position_2 : 0.3 Shell_Position_3 : 0.6 Shell_Position_4 : 1 Shell_Position_5 : 1 Mask : Link_To 5 | Percent Bump: Shell_Value_1 : 0 Shell_Value_2 : 0 Shell_Value_3 : Link_To 6 | Bump Shell_Value_4 : Link_To 6 | Bump Shell_Value_5 : 0 Bump_Scale : 1 } External 5 : Cache Percent { DarkData: 2, 0, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 1, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 1, 0 Common: Percent: Background : Link_To 1 | Percent } Noise 6 : Fractal Bump { DarkData: 2, 1, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 1.96962, 0.347296, 0, 0 Trans_1 : -0.347296, 1.96962, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 2, 0 Common: Roughness : 0.61 Lacunarity : 0.5 Lacunarity_Lock : FALSE Strata_Function : 0 Blend_Function : 0 Brightness : 0.5 Contrast : 0.8 Input_Seed : Link_To 0 | Seed Bump: Low : 0 High : 1 Bump_Scale : 0.1 } Shader 7 : DarkTree_Shader Color { DarkData: 0, 0, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 1, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 1, 0 Color: Light1_Color : 255, 255, 255 Light1_Rise : 0.625 Light1_Rotate : 0.85 Light2_Color : 0, 0, 0 Light2_Rise : 0 Light2_Rotate : 0 Surface_Color : Link_To 2 | Color Diffuse_Level : 1 Diffuse_Function : 0.5 Luminosity : 0.1 Specular_Level : 0.15 Specular_Function : 0.5 Glossiness : 0 Metal_Highlight : 0 Anisotropy : 0 Anisotropic_Direction : 0 Reflectivity : 0 Environment : 180, 180, 240 Transparency : 0 Refraction : 1.5 Clear_Coat_Level : 0 Clear_Coat_Glossiness : 0.4 Clear_Coat_Thickness : 0 Clear_Coat_Smoothing : 0 Surface_Bump : Link_To 4 | Bump Alpha : Link_To 3 | Percent } Noise 8 : Fractal Percent { DarkData: 4, 0, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 1.96962, 0.347296, 0, 0 Trans_1 : -0.347296, 1.96962, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 2, 0 Common: Roughness : 0.61 Lacunarity : 0.5 Lacunarity_Lock : FALSE Strata_Function : 0 Blend_Function : 0 Brightness : Link_To 9 | Percent Contrast : 0.9 Input_Seed : Link_To 0 | Seed Percent: Low : 0 High : 1 } Gradient 9 : Absolute_Shells Percent { DarkData: 5, 0, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 0.5, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 0.5, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 0.5, 0 Common: Mapping_Type : CYLINDRICAL_2D Number_Of_Shells : 4 Blend_Function : 0 Shell_Position_1 : 0 Shell_Position_2 : 0.385 Shell_Position_3 : 0.93 Shell_Position_4 : 0.95 Shell_Position_5 : 0.666667 Shell_Position_6 : 0.833333 Repeat_Flag : FALSE Enable_Clamps : TRUE Percent: Shell_Value_1 : 0.7 Shell_Value_2 : 0.5 Shell_Value_3 : 0.4 Shell_Value_4 : 0 Shell_Value_5 : 0 Shell_Value_6 : 1 } } Trigger_Bank: 1, 1 Tweaker { Tweak : IF_INT Tweak : Seed Tweak : 9 }