DarkTree Lace Wood Version: 2.00 Modified: 09/11/2002 Author: Marvin Landis // Lace Wood contains broad rays surrounded by bands of other // tissues. When cut radially along the rays, the effect achieved // is that of a lace fabric. The lace rays display higher // specularity than the surrounding wood, which this shader also // attempts to imitate. Pref_Map: Frame Rep_Frame: 1 Type: Shaded Source: SHADER Aspect_Width: 10 Aspect_Height: 10 Scale: 1 Unit_Scale: Meters Heading: 0 Pitch: 0 { Natural 1 : Agate Color { DarkData: 2, 2, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 33.3333, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 3.33333, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 16.6667, 0 Common: Roughness : Link_To 0 | Grain2 Roughness Strata_Function : 0 Blend_Function : Link_To 11 | Percent Brightness : Link_To 2 | Percent Contrast : Link_To 0 | Grain1 Contrast Input_Seed : Link_To 0 | Grain1 Seed Color: Low : Link_To 0 | Grain1 Color High : Link_To 6 | Color } Noise 2 : Simple Percent { DarkData: 3, 1, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 102.564, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 2.11037, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 205.128, 0 Common: Brightness : 0.85 Contrast : 0.85 Blend_Function : 0 Input_Seed : 0 Percent: Low : Link_To 0 | Grain1 Brightness High : 0 } Natural 3 : Venation Color { DarkData: 3, 0, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 6.66667, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 2.96296, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 6.66667, 0 Common: Roughness : Link_To 0 | Lace Roughness Lacunarity : Link_To 0 | Lace Lacunarity Lacunarity_Lock : FALSE Density : Link_To 0 | Lace Density Vein_Width : Link_To 4 | Percent Strata_Function : 0 Blend_Function : 0 Brightness : Link_To 0 | Lace Brightness Contrast : Link_To 0 | Lace Contrast Input_Seed : Link_To 0 | Lace Seed Color: Background : Link_To 15 | Color Veins : 0, 0, 0 } Noise 4 : Fractal Percent { DarkData: 4, 0, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 0.75, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1.6875, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 0.75, 0 Common: Roughness : 0.6 Lacunarity : 0.5 Lacunarity_Lock : TRUE Strata_Function : 0 Blend_Function : 0 Brightness : 0.5 Contrast : 0.8 Input_Seed : 1 Percent: Low : Link_To 0 | Lace Vein Width High : 1 } Deform 5 : Waver Color { DarkData: 2, 0, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 1, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 1, 0 Common: Distortion : Link_To 0 | Lace Distortion Scale_Factor : 1 Input_Seed : 1 Color: Background : Link_To 3 | Color } Noise 6 : Worm_Sign Color { DarkData: 3, 3, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 0.75, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1.25, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 1.5, 0 Common: Brightness : Link_To 0 | Grain2 Brightness Contrast : Link_To 0 | Grain2 Contrast Blend_Function : 0 Input_Seed : Link_To 0 | Grain2 Seed Color: Low : Link_To 0 | Grain2 Color High : Link_To 0 | Wood Color } Process 7 : Maximum Color { DarkData: 1, 0, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 1, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 1, 0 Common: Color: Color_A : Link_To 5 | Color Color_B : Link_To 1 | Color } Noise 8 : Rough Color { DarkData: 6, -1, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 4.44443, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 0.88889, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 4.44443, 0 Common: Lacunarity : 0.5 Lacunarity_Lock : TRUE Roughness : Link_To 0 | Ray Roughness Strata_Function : 0 Blend_Function : 0 Brightness : Link_To 0 | Ray Brightness Contrast : Link_To 0 | Ray Contrast Input_Seed : Link_To 0 | Ray Seed Color: Low : Link_To 0 | Ray2 Color High : Link_To 0 | Ray1 Color } Deform 9 : Warp Color { DarkData: 5, -1, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 2.5, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 2.5, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 2.5, 0 Common: Turbulence : 0.5 Density : 0.5 Distortion : 0.5 Scale_Factor : 1 Input_Seed : 1 Color: Background : Link_To 8 | Color } Shader 10 : DarkTree_Shader Color { DarkData: 0, 0, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 1, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 1, 0 Color: Light1_Color : 255, 255, 255 Light1_Rise : 0.7 Light1_Rotate : 0.85 Light2_Color : 128, 128, 128 Light2_Rise : 0.03 Light2_Rotate : 0.15 Surface_Color : Link_To 7 | Color Diffuse_Level : 1 Diffuse_Function : 0.5 Luminosity : 0.1 Specular_Level : Link_To 12 | Percent Specular_Function : 0.5 Glossiness : 0.2 Metal_Highlight : 0.2 Anisotropy : 0 Anisotropic_Direction : 0 Reflectivity : 0 Environment : 180, 180, 240 Transparency : 0 Refraction : 1.5 Clear_Coat_Level : 0 Clear_Coat_Glossiness : 0.4 Clear_Coat_Thickness : 0 Clear_Coat_Smoothing : 0 Surface_Bump : Link_To 23 | Bump Alpha : 1 } Generator 11 : Fractal_Noise Function { DarkData: 3, 2, 200 Common: Input : 0 Frequency : 1 Amplitude : 0.5 Phase_Amount : 0 Phase_Min : 0 Phase_Max : 1 Shift : 0.668 Upper_Clamp : 1 Lower_Clamp : 0 Invert : FALSE Reverse : FALSE Percent: Roughness : Link_To 0 | Grain1 Roughness Lacunarity : 0.5 Input_Seed : 1 Vary_Regions : TRUE Repeat_Flag : FALSE } Deform 12 : Waver Percent { DarkData: 1, 5, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 1, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 1, 0 Common: Distortion : Link_To 0 | Lace Distortion Scale_Factor : 1 Input_Seed : 1 Percent: Background : Link_To 13 | Percent } Natural 13 : Venation Percent { DarkData: 2, 5, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 6.66667, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 2.96296, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 6.66667, 0 Common: Roughness : Link_To 0 | Lace Roughness Lacunarity : Link_To 0 | Lace Lacunarity Lacunarity_Lock : FALSE Density : Link_To 0 | Lace Density Vein_Width : Link_To 14 | Percent Strata_Function : 0 Blend_Function : 0 Brightness : Link_To 0 | Lace Brightness Contrast : Link_To 0 | Lace Contrast Input_Seed : Link_To 0 | Lace Seed Percent: Background : Link_To 17 | Percent Veins : Link_To 0 | Wood Specularity } Noise 14 : Fractal Percent { DarkData: 3, 6, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 0.75, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1.6875, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 0.75, 0 Common: Roughness : 0.6 Lacunarity : 0.5 Lacunarity_Lock : TRUE Strata_Function : 0 Blend_Function : 0 Brightness : 0.5 Contrast : 0.8 Input_Seed : 1 Percent: Low : Link_To 0 | Lace Vein Width High : 1 } Process 15 : Composite Color { DarkData: 4, -1, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 0.15, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 0.3375, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 0.15, 0 Common: Blend_Function : 0.5 Mask : 0.16 Invert : FALSE Color: Color_A : Link_To 9 | Color Color_B : Link_To 16 | Color } Noise 16 : Simple Color { DarkData: 5, 0, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 37.9866, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1.3027, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 37.9868, 0 Common: Brightness : 0.85 Contrast : 0.85 Blend_Function : 0 Input_Seed : 0 Color: Low : Link_To 0 | Ray1 Color High : 0, 0, 0 } Process 17 : Composite Percent { DarkData: 3, 5, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 0.15, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 0.3375, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 0.15, 0 Common: Blend_Function : 0.5 Mask : 0.25 Invert : FALSE Percent: Percent_A : Link_To 18 | Percent Percent_B : Link_To 19 | Percent } Deform 18 : Warp Percent { DarkData: 4, 5, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 2.5, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 2.5, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 2.5, 0 Common: Turbulence : 0.5 Density : 0.5 Distortion : 0.5 Scale_Factor : 1 Input_Seed : 1 Percent: Background : Link_To 20 | Percent } Noise 19 : Simple Percent { DarkData: 4, 6, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 37.9866, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1.3027, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 37.9868, 0 Common: Brightness : 0.85 Contrast : 0.85 Blend_Function : 0 Input_Seed : 0 Percent: Low : 0.627451 High : 0 } Noise 20 : Rough Percent { DarkData: 5, 5, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 4.44443, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 0.88889, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 4.44443, 0 Common: Lacunarity : 0.5 Lacunarity_Lock : TRUE Roughness : Link_To 0 | Lace Roughness Strata_Function : 0 Blend_Function : 0 Brightness : Link_To 0 | Lace Brightness Contrast : Link_To 0 | Lace Contrast Input_Seed : Link_To 0 | Ray Seed Percent: Low : Link_To 0 | Lace Specularity High : 0.52745 } Deform 21 : Waver Bump { DarkData: 2, -4, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 1, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 1, 0 Common: Distortion : Link_To 0 | Lace Distortion Scale_Factor : 1 Input_Seed : 1 Bump: Background : Link_To 24 | Bump } Natural 22 : Agate Bump { DarkData: 2, -2, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 33.3333, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 3.33333, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 16.6667, 0 Common: Roughness : Link_To 0 | Grain2 Roughness Strata_Function : 0 Blend_Function : Link_To 26 | Percent Brightness : Link_To 27 | Percent Contrast : Link_To 0 | Grain1 Contrast Input_Seed : Link_To 0 | Grain1 Seed Bump: Low : 0 High : Link_To 25 | Bump Bump_Scale : Link_To 0 | Grain1 Bump Scale } Process 23 : Add Bump { DarkData: 1, -3, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 1, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 1, 0 Common: Bump: Bump_A : Link_To 21 | Bump Bump_B : Link_To 22 | Bump } Natural 24 : Venation Bump { DarkData: 3, -4, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 6.66667, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 2.96296, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 6.66667, 0 Common: Roughness : Link_To 0 | Lace Roughness Lacunarity : Link_To 0 | Lace Lacunarity Lacunarity_Lock : FALSE Density : Link_To 0 | Lace Density Vein_Width : Link_To 28 | Percent Strata_Function : 0 Blend_Function : 0 Brightness : 0.05 Contrast : 0.82 Input_Seed : Link_To 0 | Lace Seed Bump: Background : 0 Veins : 0.2 Bump_Scale : Link_To 0 | Lace Bump Scale } Noise 25 : Worm_Sign Bump { DarkData: 3, -1, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 0.375, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 0.3125, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 0.75, 0 Common: Brightness : Link_To 0 | Grain2 Brightness Contrast : Link_To 0 | Grain2 Contrast Blend_Function : 0 Input_Seed : Link_To 0 | Grain2 Seed Bump: Low : 0 High : 0.1 Bump_Scale : Link_To 0 | Grain2 Bump Scale } Generator 26 : Fractal_Noise Function { DarkData: 3, -2, 200 Common: Input : 0 Frequency : 1 Amplitude : 0.5 Phase_Amount : 0 Phase_Min : 0 Phase_Max : 1 Shift : 0.668 Upper_Clamp : 1 Lower_Clamp : 0 Invert : FALSE Reverse : FALSE Percent: Roughness : Link_To 0 | Grain1 Roughness Lacunarity : 0.5 Input_Seed : 1 Vary_Regions : TRUE Repeat_Flag : FALSE } Noise 27 : Simple Percent { DarkData: 3, -3, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 102.564, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 2.11037, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 205.128, 0 Common: Brightness : 0.85 Contrast : 0.85 Blend_Function : 0 Input_Seed : 0 Percent: Low : Link_To 0 | Grain1 Brightness High : 0 } Noise 28 : Fractal Percent { DarkData: 4, -4, 200 Transform: Trans_0 : 0.75, 0, 0, 0 Trans_1 : 0, 1.6875, 0, 0 Trans_2 : 0, 0, 0.75, 0 Common: Roughness : 0.6 Lacunarity : 0.5 Lacunarity_Lock : TRUE Strata_Function : 0 Blend_Function : 0 Brightness : 0.5 Contrast : 0.8 Input_Seed : 1 Percent: Low : Link_To 0 | Lace Vein Width High : 1 } } Trigger_Bank: 1, 1 Tweaker { Tweak : IF_COLOR Tweak : Wood Color Tweak : 139, 97, 80 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Wood Specularity Tweak : 0.1 Tweak : IF_COLOR Tweak : Grain1 Color Tweak : 63, 22, 17 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Grain1 Roughness Tweak : 0.5 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Grain1 Brightness Tweak : 0.4 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Grain1 Contrast Tweak : 0.7 Tweak : IF_BUMP Tweak : Grain1 Bump Scale Tweak : 0.2 Tweak : IF_INT Tweak : Grain1 Seed Tweak : 6 Tweak : IF_COLOR Tweak : Grain2 Color Tweak : 109, 67, 62 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Grain2 Roughness Tweak : 0.65 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Grain2 Brightness Tweak : 0.5 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Grain2 Contrast Tweak : 0.7 Tweak : IF_BUMP Tweak : Grain2 Bump Scale Tweak : 0.02 Tweak : IF_INT Tweak : Grain2 Seed Tweak : 4 Tweak : IF_COLOR Tweak : Ray1 Color Tweak : 160, 95, 53 Tweak : IF_COLOR Tweak : Ray2 Color Tweak : 107, 50, 20 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Ray Roughness Tweak : 0.6 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Ray Brightness Tweak : 1 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Ray Contrast Tweak : 0.1 Tweak : IF_INT Tweak : Ray Seed Tweak : 8 Tweak : IF_INT Tweak : Lace Density Tweak : 3 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Lace Specularity Tweak : 0.38 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Lace Vein Width Tweak : 0.799 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Lace Roughness Tweak : 0.3 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Lace Lacunarity Tweak : 0.356 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Lace Distortion Tweak : 0.5 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Lace Brightness Tweak : 0.141 Tweak : IF_PERCENT Tweak : Lace Contrast Tweak : 1 Tweak : IF_BUMP Tweak : Lace Bump Scale Tweak : -0.2 Tweak : IF_INT Tweak : Lace Seed Tweak : 1 }